Thursday, July 05, 2012

yard sales...

 Last Saturday, mom and I went on our first yard sale trip of the summer.  And our first stop was a major success! I picked up everything in the above photo for 10$!!
 Keeping my eyes peeled for more of these to stack...
 In other news, Avery and I have moved into our temporary home above my parents' garage.  We just found a house to rent, so it looks like we will be living solo in August! It will be great to have our own space...the loft area is pretty sweet for now, but it doesn't have a bathroom and because it's not attached to the house, it is not super convenient...
 My 1$ lamps are in perfect working condition! I also picked up these rad side tables for 25$ on our yard sale trip.  Keeping my eyes peeled for more!!



sorelle in style said...

Wow I can't believe all of that was only $10! I love the idea of stacking the suitcases, so cute! :)

sorelle in style | SHOPBOP GIVEAWAY!

Popcorn, Pugs & Peonies said...

Great finds. Those lamps are so retro-adorable. Remind me of the pom-pom socks I wore as a child.


LeftCentrist said...

I agree, great finds!
