Friday, August 31, 2012

moving onward...

Avery and I got our own place! :) We are only renting, but it's a big step for us in our new life as single mama and cool dude two year old.  

The house is 43 old and I didn't end up taking any furniture from our old house except for a couch, tv and Avery's dresser.  I wanted to move on from the modern furniture that we had there and get some retro 60/70's pieces that were more my style. 

I love having our own space, and Avery really loves the house too.  When we are out somewhere and he tells me that he wants to go to "Mommy's new house", I get the biggest grin!!

So, without further ado, here are some crappy quality instagram picks of our new place...I really need to take more...I just bought some vintage furniture to fill up the sunroof too, so those pics with be along within a few weeks!




1 comment:

Melissa said...

Congrats on the new place!! It looks lovely xo
